Thursday, May 24, 2012

SkinWhite and Nuffnang bring you Snow White and the Huntsman

The upcoming movie, Snow White & The Huntsman, is something that, I am sure, we all are familiar with. The story of Snow White (Kristen Stuart) being the step daughter of a really narcissistic, Queen Ravenna (Charlize Theron). The problem here is that Queen Ravenna wants to be the only one who is the fairest in their land, which is not the case. Snow White is declared the fairest lady in their land by the magic mirror, and so with this, the narcissistic queen ordered the Huntsman to capture/kill Snow White.

Aren't you envious of Snow White's fair skin? Do you want to have that beautiful blush white skin that your prince charming can't resist? Well you're in luck, SkinWhite can help you achieve the fair skin you've always wanted. How? Skin White has this unique synchrowhite action that works four (4) ways all the time:

  1. It WHITENS the skin's surface.
  2. REDUCES formation of new dark pigments at its source
  3. NOURISHES skin with vitamins, and;
  4. PROTECTS skin against UV rays and tonxins.
With all these actions that are going on inside your skin, I can barely keep up and so does the dark color. You will become a fair-skinned lady in no time. You may visit below link to reach the Skin White Facebook page.

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