Saturday, April 21, 2012

My First Bon Chon experience

Bon Chon has been in the Philippines for awhile now, and after all this time, I finally tried my first chicken from Bon Chon last night. Before watching the play Jekyll and Hyde, we decided to have dinner and finally chosend Bon Chon. I was really curious on what their chicken taste like cause every time I pass by a Bon Chon chain, it always is filled with so many people, main reason why I still haven't eaten there. Last night, we were lucky to have a vacant table inside their store, so it's decided, I'm having my FIRST Bon Chon chicken tonight! (Kinda pathetic, I know hehe)

3pcs Thigh Chicken
Bulgogi Rice Box

Service was fast, we weren't waiting long when our chickens arrived and after a few minutes so did our bulgogi rice box. I noticed the chickens were a bit small, but then again we ordered the small 3pcs thigh chicken. Took my first bite and what can I say, the skin was crispy and yummy, the chicken meat on the other hand was just normal for me.

The Bulgogi rice was yummy although the presentation could have been better. It was yummy looking in their pictures. I even called the staff and have them checked if this is our order, which apparently it is.

I was a bit disappointed with the taste (Max's and Sincerity's chicken were better regarding the taste) but I guess, but I guess I'm just glad I tried them.

Greenbelt 1, Ayala Center
Makati City, Metro Manila
(02) 519-8438

posted from Bloggeroid

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