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One of the desserts from Vikings[...]


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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sincerity Restaurant in Binondo

Last Saturday, my friend and I went to 168 mall to accompany her in buying things she needed.

Being close to Binondo I suggested that we have dinner there since I was craving their famous fried chickens.

Trust me, these chickens are delicious! The first time I saw the chickens I was like oh ok fried chicken. But when I tried it out, all I was thinking was this is good stuff. I know, you'd be thinking "what's the difference of that chicken from Jollibee's or McDonald's. And all I can tell you is that, it has this unique taste about it that sets it apart. Maybe its their breading mix or how they season the chicken. I really don't know.

And another great thing is it's price. It's only 150php! It's super cheap and it can be shared by 4 people. Talk about savings.

We also tried their lumpiang shanghai (failed to take a picture) but I don't recommend it. Som's lumpia is still better by far.

Sincerity Restaurant, Binondo
497 E. T. Yuchengco St., Binondo, Manila
241-9991 / 241-9972 / 241-9990
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Sunday, September 18, 2011

First time ever to eat a Bic Mac McDonalds

I had work yesterday from 6am 'til 10pm. Super long hours would mean eating breakfast, lunch and dinner at the office.

So I ate BB at Mcdo then went to 711 for lunch. Okay I was at the point of deciding where to buy dinner. And I was leaning towards buying a Jollibee Champ since I already have tried it and I loved it. But then it means either having it delivered (having an additional expense for delivery fee) or having to walk a little farther for it.

I suddenly thought of the Big Mac at Mcdonalds and said to myself, I haven't tried it and Mcdo is just downstairs. So it was decided, I will be eating Big Mac for dinner. Off I go.

After a few minutes of buying, I went back to my cubicle and started to eat my dinner. I opened the box and grabbed a bite.

Then I saw this.

Well I was turned off that my veggies started to fall off my burger. I had to scoop the veggies in order to eat them. And I did nit like the taste of the burger. But yeah I was stuffed but not contented.

I'll be keeping in mind to stay away from the Big Mac in the future.

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mozu - BGC

I was surprised when my "friend" was already waiting for me downstairs after my long hours shift. We were about ti head to the car when we realized that SnR wasn sale. But later on decided not to go there cause of the long lines.

I then asked her if she wanted to have dinner with me, and said ok. We headed to Mozu

We had Pork Binagoongan and Sisig. Oh we also ordered pumpkin soup.

Food was average. Though the pork binagoongan was super crunchy. Their sisig was a bit overcooked. Some where even burnt. It was a bit disappointing. But I guess the disappointing dinner was saved by their dessert, Frozen Braso.

Total bill? 735php. More on the expensive side.

PS. Sorry if the writing is a mess I'm a bit sleepy *yawn*

Mozu Cafe, BGC, Taguig

Sapphire Residence Tower Crescent West, Bonifacio Global City
Taguig City, Metro Manila

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Recipes at Resorts World, Newport

I wasn't really planning on going out today. But due to certain circumstances I needed to go to BGC. After picking her up, we decided to go to Resorts World to have dinner.

With our budget in mind, we searched a place where we can have dinner without spending a lot. We landed at Recipes.

She suggested that I try the Generals Chicken and I can also pick another dish to taste which I later on decided to be Dinuguan and 2 cups or rice.

Generals Chicken

Pork Dinuguan

The Generals Chicken had eggplants and a little bit of spices with it. The chicken was still crunchy despite having sauce all over it and I think this was one of the reasons I enjoyef the dish. Though the serving was a bit small than that I was expecting.

Regarding the Pork Dinuguan, I wasn't a fan. Dinuguan is one of my favorite dishes, but this was not one of them. The pork was a little dry for me and the sauce had a weird taste on it. So I wouldn't recommend it.

Total price? 502. Not bad for a budgeted meal at Newport city.
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Saturday, September 10, 2011

SOM's Noodle House in Rockwell

Soms Noodle House is a Thai cuisine restaurant located near Rockwell, Makati.
This is actually my second time eating here and I was excited to order their yummy spring rolls again. And so we ordered it first. 8 pieces of crunchy golden brown spring rolls served together with it's winning sauce. I'm telling you that sauce is to die for.

Spring Rolls

We then tried their Garlic pepper (pork) and their Pad Thai noodles. When these two came, I was a bit disappointed in the Garlic Pepper since it has a smaller portion compared to the Pad Thai noodles.

Garlic Pepper (pork)

Pad Thai

But with regards to taste, I loved the Garlic Pepper (pork). The pork is tender and cooked nicely. The sauce is just like the sauce in the spring roll but I think is with soy sauce and garlic. It's a bit sweet too. The Pad Thai noodles is also divine. The noodles is firm and everthing on it is cooked perfectly. But I prefer if the Pad Thai would be spicier. For people allergic to nuts please avoid this dish.

Our total bill? 435 pesos! Not bad right? The meal is good for 2-3 people (depending on their appetite). It's really a good value for your money.

Try eating at Soms and tell me what you think about it.

SOMs Noodle House, Rockwell, Makati

5921 A. Alger St., Poblacion
Makati City, Metro Manila
(02) 836-0075

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Yes or No Thai Movie

I just recently dowloaded the film after watching it on Youtube just for the sake of having a copy of it.

I loved the movie. As simple as the plot may seem to look like, it tackles a lot of issues going on in a life of a young homosexual, specifically a lesbian.

The movie also shows characters which detest and are not really open to the concept of having a same sex relationships.

Anyway, as I have said I loved the movie and the cast was perfect for the characters they are portraying.

This was in one of the scenes from the movie. When Kim was with Jane and just realizing that she has feelings for Pie. I just love how the love story of Kim and Pie developed. So sorry for Jane though, but I think she's hotter than Pie ;)

I really really suggest you watch the film so that you can get what I mean :) I'm not really a movie critic but I really enjoyed watching it.

UPDATE: 23March12

Here's PART 1 of the movie on Youtube.

Post a comment if you'd like to have me upload a whole version for you to download :)

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