I guess when given the chance to visit the US, I'll visit the Riverbend PNC Arts Center San Manuel Amphitheater. It's a center for the Performing Arts where a lot of festivals such as the Mayhem Festival.
The Riverbend PNC Arts Center San Manuel Amp formerly Glen Helen Pavilion, Hyundai Pavilion, and the Blockbuster Pavilion, is currently the largest outdoor amphitheater in the United States with the current seating capacity of 65,000. Many stars such as Tina Turner has performed in this amphitheater.
You can click on below links to know more information and their schedule.
pnc bank arts center
riverbend music center
san manuel amphitheater tickets
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Riverbend PNC Arts Center San Manuel Amp
Added 9:58 AM, Under: San Manuel Amphitheater , sponsored
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