Monday, June 16, 2014

I think I'm back? :))))

Neglected my blog for a few months. Now that's a bit disappointing I know.

I've been going through a lot involving my personal life for the past months that have led to the somewhat abandonment of my blog. But all in all it was a fun few months of learning for me.

Will be posting stuff real soon. Just got back from CDO-Camiguin-Bukidnon, although I can't really share a lot of details about the trip (was not really concentrated about blogging since it's kind of a first trip for me and my girlfriend ^^,v), but I'd like to share the experience anyway. :)

Here's a sample photo of the White Sand Beach (sand bar) in Camiguin. We went White water rafting the next day. It was fun! Anyway will post another entry for that one. :)

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