Before going home, I asked her if we can eat dinner first cause I was hungry and we decided we eat at Pancake House since she also wanted to try the Junior Master Chef Pinoy edition and I wanted a steak for myself.
The above photo was her order Ampalaya something (sorry didn't remember the name.) It was great. I mean, a little bitter but it was tolerable and the filling inside the ampalaya was mexican inspired. Also a great plus for me was the richness of the cheese on top of the ampalaya.
This was mine. Medium rare steak :) love the way they cooked it. Nicely seared for me :)
One thing that was kind of off for me in this store? Well I was a bit stupid for having left my CC in their store, what will raise your eyebrow is that, I asked my friend to get it from them, and their staff just simply gave the card to her without even asking her name or even an ID. Really bad stuff.
Pancake House, Waltermart