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Thursday, June 15, 2006

I was so interested about our topic a while ago. Most of the time it was about change, whether or not it is permanent or is it the only thing permanent in this world. 

I couldn't agree more that the only thing permanent in this world is change. Because I can't think of anything that is permanent in this world, other than God of course. But besides Him, everything changes. The places we've been to, the clothes we wear, the people closest to us, our own attitude towards things, our beliefs and view points in life, even LOVE.

Well based from experience, things change. One moment you are inlove with someone, the other you're not. Or one moment a person you knew was talking to you, then you just heard that s/he already died. Sometimes people just doesn't want to accept the fact that there is something changing in one point in their life. They tend to be in the "denial stage" and can't let go of the past and move forward.

It's understandable when one goes through this stage but always remember that moving on is the only thing that can help you. It might not be easy, but it's the right thing to do. There's nothing you can do about the past, but you can do something I the present and for the future..

By Unknown with No comments

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I read the short story of Neil Gaiman. Honestly I was kinda grossed out about it. Uhm having a step daughter who is practically somewhat immortal. And who sucks the blood out of you like a wild animal. It gives me the creeps.

I admire the queen for being brave and strong about that matter. Then taking it to her own hands. I was also weirded out with the prince who wants a cold body to pleasure his sexual urges rather than having a "hot" one. Miss mentioned about necrophilia, an obsessive fascination with death and corpses or erotic attraction to or sexual contact with corpses. I think the prince had this. Considering he wanted the queen to stand naked away from the fire and stay still and quiet all through out their intercourse.

All in all i think its a good story.. It instantly catches your attention from the very beginning of the story.. till the very end..

By Unknown with No comments

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