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Sunday, August 20, 2006

Yesterday we had the "amazing race" at school. It was fun. we were challenged both physically and mentally in that said race. We were asked to finish certain tasks at the fastest time possible. so off we went.

First thing that went through my mind was what challenges does our prof has in store for us? well we knew when a puzzle was given to us.. SUDOKU.. good thing our groupmate steph is kinda good at it. So we finished in 5 minutes, more or less then off to the 2nd task.

We had to run to the next bulding, we wrong the first time since we thought it was at the SPS building, then ran to the velasco building. top floor imagine the sweat, short of breath We experienced. But then I was thinking of the next task, was it from our philosophy class already. Was it about Plato, or about his world of forms and senses? or was it about Descartes and the thing he said "i think therefore i am". I was right, although it was in a pictionary way of guessing things, the concepts I mentioned was there. During the activity, I was trying to remember what concept/s we studied in the past that might fit the pictures steph drew on the board. And yes I remembered the ubermesh or the superman thing ad Plato's world of senses. I remembered, that the world of forms or ideas is much more perfect than the world of the senses 'coz the world of the senses or the ones we call the "real world" may have certain flaws in them. Aha, see I remebered something from the class.

A little reminiscing cause when we ate lunch we remembered that it will be the last "class" we'll have together cause 3 of our group are graduating this term. oh well, I remembered when the first activity was announced by miss De la Cruz, we were kind of shy with one another but guess what we won. :D it was about atalanta. and how she got beaten by golden apples.

By Unknown with No comments

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

i was absent when the class watched "The Republic", but from the discussion/activity we've had last tuesday, i got the idea of how a society is, based from Plato's ideas. i disagree with Plato's "utopia" for so many reasons that i don't know where to start.

It is unfair for those people who want to pursue other dreams that are not mentioned in the film. The Republic categorized the citizens as Philopher kings (gold sash), warriors (silver sash) and artisans/producers (bronze sash). They have to take a certain exam to determine where they fall, and for those who failed will not be given the chance to prove themselves worthy. Unfair isn't it? Well what's more is that parents were not to have eternal bonds with their child. They are, i think, to be separated upon birth.

Although, the idea of doing just one job is a good thing for there is no unemployment, there would also mean that there would be no change, right? which is not good for it means that the citizens are not improving at all. There would be no change in one's activity everyday which would make life living there a big BORE. What if a person wants to be someone else, like a warrior wants to become a philopher king? Would he be punished?
The only thing that i liked in The Republic was the idea of gender equality. Women are treated as men's equal. They can study and be a philopher king if they passed the exam. Which is qutie a good thing, there is no limitation of what a woman can do and cannot do.

By Unknown with No comments

Thursday, June 15, 2006

I was so interested about our topic a while ago. Most of the time it was about change, whether or not it is permanent or is it the only thing permanent in this world. 

I couldn't agree more that the only thing permanent in this world is change. Because I can't think of anything that is permanent in this world, other than God of course. But besides Him, everything changes. The places we've been to, the clothes we wear, the people closest to us, our own attitude towards things, our beliefs and view points in life, even LOVE.

Well based from experience, things change. One moment you are inlove with someone, the other you're not. Or one moment a person you knew was talking to you, then you just heard that s/he already died. Sometimes people just doesn't want to accept the fact that there is something changing in one point in their life. They tend to be in the "denial stage" and can't let go of the past and move forward.

It's understandable when one goes through this stage but always remember that moving on is the only thing that can help you. It might not be easy, but it's the right thing to do. There's nothing you can do about the past, but you can do something I the present and for the future..

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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I read the short story of Neil Gaiman. Honestly I was kinda grossed out about it. Uhm having a step daughter who is practically somewhat immortal. And who sucks the blood out of you like a wild animal. It gives me the creeps.

I admire the queen for being brave and strong about that matter. Then taking it to her own hands. I was also weirded out with the prince who wants a cold body to pleasure his sexual urges rather than having a "hot" one. Miss mentioned about necrophilia, an obsessive fascination with death and corpses or erotic attraction to or sexual contact with corpses. I think the prince had this. Considering he wanted the queen to stand naked away from the fire and stay still and quiet all through out their intercourse.

All in all i think its a good story.. It instantly catches your attention from the very beginning of the story.. till the very end..

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