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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ramen Nagi : Best Ramen so far!

Ok so this is a super duper late post. Haha. Anj and I decided to go to dinner that day and went to SM Aura since it's near work to choose for a restaurant there.

Whenever Anj and I will eat out we usually have this thing that we ask each other a lot of times where will we eat, and well I usually was left with the decision and this night was no different. I was kinda craving for ramen and really really wanted to try Ramen Nagi for the longest time (loser haha).

So off to Ramen Nagi.

Ramen Nagi interior
When being seated in the restaurant, it's not like the normal restaurant you're accustomed to where you can seat beside your friend or date (if there's only the 2 of you). Here you are seated in front of each other and other people can seat right next to you. The greeter also advises you that they do not have take-aways.

Their menu is simple and you can easily understand them since it has a description also.

When it was time to order, you would just need to fill out whatever type of ramen you would want. I got the Red King which is spicy but as you can see below, you can still add a little more spice if you want to. Anj ordered their original King (butao) since she's not really a fan of spicy food.

Red King

Butao King with extra Egg

Me with the face lol

My gorgeous girl while deciding her meal :)
All in all, my ramen was spicy and had the right texture to it. I love the taste of the broth. I was sniffing loads after finishing my ramen and it was only 1.5 times hotter. Whew! ~ 

Definitely one of the best ramen I have ever had to date.

If you would like to visit them I think they are gonna open a branch in Greenbelt 3 this December. You can visit their Facebook page also. Click the link below.

Ramen Nagi Official Facebook Page

Till my next post.

AC ^^,v

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