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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Last night, we had a halloween event for the kids. My mom and her friends organized this event since the kids seemed to have enjoyed it last year and were requesting to have it again this year.

So after all the preparations, the BIG day has arrived! All of us from our family dressed in costumes and went to the venue to start the parade!

I think you're wondering what we wore. Haha! I posted some pictures from the event :)

Here's my mom dressed as an angel.

This is my dad and brother.

This is ME portraying the bringer of death haha.

My sister, who's a black and dark ghost!

Too bad I wasn't able to take a photo of my other sister who was the white ghost. She was the one tasked to give the goodies to the kids when they knocked on our gates. 

Anyway, the assembly of the kids took place and some reminders then we're off!

The assembly

during the parade!

We first went around the village to show off the kids' and the kids at hearts' costumes. After circling around the village, kids were separated into 4 groups with their respective guides to help them do their "trick or treating". Here's one photo during the candy giving part!

It was a fun night. We had snacks at our multipurpose hall after the event. Oh by the way, this kid was my favorite among the rest. I loved his props! 

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